Anne impresses teammates as well as opponents with her fighting spirit. Therefore she evolved to an important factor at the Baskets gameplay already last year. The winner of the paralympic silver medal in Rio is not only active on court for the BG Baskets. Off court she works part-time for the BG Klinikum as an occupational therapist.
In the Baskets-flat she is already well known as the good soul. Everytime her colleagues run out of drinks they would know where to knock. From coffee to soft drinks: Anne would have it in stock. Teams captain Kai is alleged to come by most frequently. While leasure time Anne loves the challange. She swims through lakes, jumps out of airplanes or visits the climbing park by wheelchair.
The successful ARD TV documentary "VIERZEHNEINHALB - Basketball on Wheels" is now available on DVD! Enjoy the journey of Anne Patzwald, Mareike Miller and Kai Möller with the national team to the world cup 2018 in Hamburg again at home. The documentary is subtitled in English completely! ORDER HERE All you need to do is inboxing us on Use the subject "DVD Vierzehneinhalb" and text us your full name and your shipping address. The costs for the DVD are...
On August 10, 2018, our 43-minute TV documentary "VIERZEHNEINHALB - Basketball on Wheels" was shown in a special broadcast of the ARD Sportschau. Despite a short-term change in broadcasting time, nearly 900,000 spectators watched the experiences of Anne Patzwald, Mareike Miller and Kai Möller en route to the Wheelchair Basketball Worldchamionships. More information about the program can be found here ...