Under the basket it really gets down to business. Asael Shabo lands rudely on the aluminum tube of the opponent’s wheelchair. Fortunately, nothing bad happened – except for a cracked rib.
"What does VIERZEHNEINHALB (FOURTEEN-AND-A-HALF) actually mean?" We heard this question a lot during the last months. Insider and fans know immediately what is meant, but newcomer sometimes struggle with the title of our project. Mareike Miller explains the unusual but important number.
Ali Ahmadi is an incredible player. He scored for his national team for about 17 years and played for clubs in Spain and Italy. Since this season he wears the Baskets' jersey. He is a gain for the team not only because of his experience. He has got some pretty nice skills.
Karlis got stunning arm muscles. They are heavy. Going to the gym is - as for all the players of the Baskets - routine for the Latvian. But Karlis pull-ups are unbeatable.